Shine On, performing Pink Floyd's entire Dark Side of the Moon album, additional Pink Floyd songs, and closing with a few songs from Led Zeppelin, all to an arena full of lasers.
From http://laserspectacular.com
In 1986, Laser Spectacular’s first performance was in San Antonio, Texas. To date the show still tours the word, and producer Steve Monistere has managed to turn the show into a world wide, must see event! After 25+ years of touring, Paramount’s Laser Spectacular has become a cult classic, presenting the music of Pink Floyd, as you have never seen it before. Surrounded by walls of concert quality sound, Laser Spectacular carries listeners away on a mind-expanding journey driven by cutting-edge effects., high-powered lasers, hi-def-large screen video projection, and special lighting effects. Your senses are confronted with an array of visual displays, choreographed to the soundtrack during this amazing presentation.