Bryce “the Govna” Graves performing with Hellzapoppin at Come and Take It in Austin, Texas on March 20, 2021. (Photo: Ralph Arvesen)
Hellzapoppin Circus SideShow
Named after the most successful Broadway musical and movie from the late 30’s and 40’s, Hellzapoppin Circus SideShow Revue is a world renown theatrical Rock-N-Roll circus thrill-show where some of the deadliest stunts in live entertainment are performed to loud crowd-pleasing musical tracks.
Spectators will experience one of the world’s last authentic circus sideshows with performances using the human anatomy and death defying stunts and demonstrations of mind over matter, yet with no blood and no pain.
You’ve seen them on AMC’s Freak Show, Ripley’s Believe It Not, Guinness World Records, Discovery Channel, Travel Channel, America’s Got Talent and more. This vaudeville freak show of wonder features live stunts like: Fire eating & fire breathing, Straight Jacket Escape, Magic and Illusions, Bed of nails, Crossbows, The human block-head, Knife Throwing, Acrobatic Stunts, Sword Swallowing, Human oddities & curiosities like a real-live half-man who walks on his bare-hands in broken hot shards of glass on fire and more!
Bryce “the Govna” Graves
Underneath the shadows cast from the tilt of a top hat and burning stage lights are deep and rather mischievous eyes adorned with black makeup and they are bloodshot from whiskey, weed, and things of the nocturnal persuasion. The eyeliner creeps into the crevices of earned crow’s feet, and the twisted clown like liner leaves a trail down each cheek. A devious smile slips his burned lips, while a long gypsy beard finds itself salt and peppered.
A silver bead in a singular dread matches this silver tongued devil. A traditional blood-red Ring Master’s coat covers a tattoo rich with sideshow images. A two headed baby shares the human canvas with a tattoo that represents the Govna’s combination of his two grandmothers. A gentle reminder of his Texas roots and convoluted past. Untouched by trends and western ideas, the Govna pairs this beautiful and sacred garment with thrift store dress slacks cut and torn at the ankles to make way for a pair of monochromatic high top Converse.
The Govna's character is that of a sinister southern revivalist preacher and when his voice cracks over the loudspeaker it’s gritty, and hints at a Texas drawl. It’s a hot knife through butter earned by years of smoke and drink, glass eating and fire breathing, entertaining the masses and enticing thoughts and ideas. He walks tall with a body that has been beaten, worked, and seduced. A man 48 years young with 80 year’s worth of living. With piercing eyes, that if you look closely, hold a wealth of knowledge, the Govna will tantalize your thoughts and humors. Honest, direct, unabashed and very intelligent. Most are surprised to find him to be a deeply private man with a very mysterious hidden personal life.
The Govna’s collection of deep thoughts and experiences give him the kind of smarts that can’t be found in libraries or on search engines. Street smart, business minded, and highly intuitive, he knows people, he knows business and he knows life… He has a love, an obsession and a dedication to his cause. A man who has not one second for pessimism, he is unstoppable and always finds a way. He is a passionate man, a survivor of the road, among many other things.
Like a proud father, the Govna looks after the performers as his own. His reputation is his treasure, and he works diligently to uphold it. Loyal, ethical, principled. This man has a heart of gold, and is often found smiling, and partaking in a laugh. He is charming, and eager to see and learn something new every day. Untamable, and limitless, he is a man that will never be held back, or held down. He is the most wonderful brand of eccentric with a touch of traditionalism. Often mistaken for being an asshole, or a jerk, he is a very driven man that must be stern and organized to keep his business alive. He is protective and loyal to the ones he loves, and wouldn’t dream of dishonoring another’s good nature.
Hellzapoppin Circus Sideshow
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Photos by Ralph Arvesen
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