Picker Circle Unplugged Acoustic Jam performing at the Luckenbach Texas in Fredericksburg, Texas on May 30, 2021, with Jake Martin, Robin Dean Salmon, Robin Washer Danz, Jon Whitley, Maria Moss, Matt Wayne, Jon Hogan, and others. (Photo: Ralph Arvesen)
This tiny hill country hamlet where "Everybody’s Somebody" was established as a Trading Post in 1849 making it one of the oldest settlements in Gillespie County. The Post Office, General Store, and Beer Joint was first opened in 1886 by August Engel, an itinerant preacher from Germany, who’s daughter Minna chose the name Luckenbach in honor of her fiancé, Albert Luckenbach.
The Trading Post catered to pioneer farmers and Comanche Indians alike. A steam-powered cotton gin was built on the banks of Grape Creek in 1879, and operated with varying degrees of success until it finally closed in 1929. By 1885, the community boasted a blacksmith shop and a consolidated school. There was even a local legend—Jacob Brodbeck, who is documented to have flown a heavier-than-air craft (powered by clocklike springs rather than an internal combustion engine) decades before the Wright Brothers.
In the Nineties, Luckenbach has become something of a cottage industry, a trademark-registered slice of old-time Texas. The legendary Dancehall still hosts monthly dances by some of the best Texas musicians going, many of whom were toddlers when Viva Terlingua and “Luckenbach Texas” became hits. Texas minstrels such as Pat Green, Gary P. Nunn, Ray Wylie Hubbard, Billy Joe shaver and their audiences come to partake of the timeless ambiance, the cold beer, and the increasingly rare sense of being in the center of the known universe, a place where everybody is truly somebody. Many of the Luckenbach faithful celebrate the music, magic & memories of times they’ve spent in Luckenbach by returning for special occasions.
Luckenbach reflects an eclectic mix of it’s early history, the larger than life persona of Hondo and an unrivaled legacy of great music that makes us feel that everybody is indeed somebody in Luckenbach.
"If you are in the Fredericksburg area you must you and visit this town of legendary status! General store, dance hall, out door concert area and bar. Parking is free. People are super friendly!"Luckenbach Texas
"Fun stop along our Hill Country weekend drive. Live music, good fried food, beer for sale, near a river and green grass for meandering."
"Was told about this place and did find it off the beaten path. Enjoyed the local country music with the local musicians. If you are in Fredericksburg, you need to go!"
"Luckenbach is one of those place that is entertaining the moment you leave your vehicle. This unique village has a Post Office, Dancehall, General Store / Bar, Picnic Grounds, Hat Shop, etc. Live entertainment is a staple. For a relaxing afternoon or evening, this is a great option. Expect to see the Unexpected."
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Photos by Ralph Arvesen
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